commitment | reliability | excellence
Top Section Reactor K-4101
Hellenic Petroleum s.a.
Attica, Greece
FCC Complex & Vacuum Distillation Unit Turn Around Works
Motor Oil Hellas Korinth Refineries s.a.
41276 Perneftegas Pererabotka, Perm, Russia _ Supply of Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers with associated accessories for Perm Project, Russia
PROSERNAT S.A. (Acquired by Axens S.A.) / LUKOIL Permneftegazpererabotka, (Russia)
Design, material procurement, fabrication, and inspection of supply of the equipment package, including :
- R-001 Catalytic Reactor
for the Hydrogen Sulfide Disposal & Liquid Sulfur Recovery Unit in Perm (Sulfur Recovery Unit Project), Russian Federation.
Equipment certification according to ″GOST″ and issue of ″TECHNICAL PASSPORT’
Top Section Reactor K-4101 – Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) U-4100
Hellenic Petroleum s.a.
Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece
Construction of reactors (R-6701 & R-6802) and vessels (T-6701, T-8301, V-7353) _ M.O.H. CDU
Technipetrol Hellas s.a. (Greece) / Motor Oil Hellas Korinth Refineries s.a. (Greece)
34-R-001 & 002 Reactors - Hydrocracker Unit _ Elefsis Upgrading Project
Hellenic Petroleum S.A.
Elefsis Refinery, Greece
R-3701 : Fabrication of tube bundle for Reactor R-3701
Motor Oil Hellas Korinth Refineries s.a.
Material procurement, fabrication, checking, transportation of R-3701 reactor bundle.
Tube material : SB 395/71500_16BWG_581pcs.
FCC Regenerator K-4102X _ New Top Head
Hellenic Petroleum s.a.
Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece
CBA Reactors
Hellenic Petroleum s.a.
Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece
Design, material procurement, fabrication, Non destructive testing, transportation and delivery of the reactors to Hellenic Petroleum Refinery, Aspropyrgos Attika Greece. CE marking, according to PED 97/23
Fabrication of towers and reactors for TAME Unit
Hellenic Petroleum s.a.
Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece
M.O.H. New Sulphur Recover Unit _ Vessels
Motor Oil Hellas Korinth Refineries s.a.
Material procurement, design acc. to ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1, fabrication, inspection, non destructive testing, painting and delivery of equipment, including:
R-5701 Catalytic 1st & 2nd Reactors
FCC Reactor K-4101X _ Top part
Hellenic Petroleum s.a.
Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece