CV SUBMISSION FORM FULL NAME * EMAIL * TEL * JOB's CODE - Any - CV file * Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc docx odt. Consent of Job Candidates To comply with the requirements of the New European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016, the way companies collect, store and process personal data has changed. As a company, we must collect and maintain your personal data that you submit with your Job Application or CV (resume), in order to find in them the information and to assess your suitability for employment in our company. We do not transmit your data outside the company. I consent to the processing of the data submitted with my Job Application / CV (resume), by EKME, for the purpose mentioned above * I consent to the processing of the data submitted with my Job Application / CV (resume), by EKME, for the purpose mentioned above Your rights: you have the right of access, namely, the right to be informed whether your data is being processed, the right to correct and supplement inaccurate and incomplete data, the right to delete your data, if you have not been hired by the company I consent to the retention of my Job Application / CV (resume) for twelve (12) months * I consent to the retention of my Job Application / CV (resume) for twelve (24) months You are free to revoke all or any of the above consent at any time, in which case your data will be deleted. The revocation of consent does not affect the legality of the processing that has already taken place. You may learn more about how we process your data in the "Personal Data Protection Policy for Job Candidates" available here. To exercise your above rights, as well as for any information, communicate with the contact person at the postal address: 6 Sofias Vembo St., Postcode 57008, Diavata Municipality of Delta, Thessaloniki, email: Date * Leave this field blank