commitment | reliability | excellence
ELPEDISON Power s.a. (Greece)
- IP & HP desuperheater injection units replacement-inspection services (for CI2016 outage) (2016)
- Remove – reinstall L-O blades of ST during shutdown at Thisvi plant (2015)
- Repair of FWT Peging Cap (2015)
- Mechanical support during shut down of Unit 15-19 at Thessaloniki plant (2015)
- GT expansion joint removal and re-installation at Thessaloniki plant (2015)
- Welding work during shut down at Thessaloniki plant (2015)
- Construction and weld of cond tube plugs at Thessaloniki plant (2013)
- Works on GT oil replacement at Thessaloniki plant (2013)
- Construction – Installation Support I and II at Thisvi plant (2013)
- Supply, manufacture and erection ST panels at Thessaloniki plant (2012)
- HRSG HP & IP desuperheater weldolets, injection unit, boroscope cap’s, spaghetti piping replacement at Thessaloniki plant (2012)
RWE & Turcas Guney Elektrik Uretim a.s. (Turkey)
- Prefabrication of large bore BOP piping (2012) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
Public Power Company _ S.E.S. Soroni, Rodos (Greece)
- Supply and installation of one fuel oil storage tank 5000m3 and one daily oil tank 500m3 (1996) _ Client : ABB Construction s.a. (Greece)
Public Power Company _ S.E.S. Ag. Georgios (Greece)
- Supply, fabrication and replacement of Low Pressure Preheater No 1.3 Unit VIII (2000)
Public Power Company S.A. _ S.E.S. Megalopolis (Greece)
- High Pressure Preheaters, SES Megalopolis (1989)
- Fabrication of steel structures for closed-type transport belts PC100/1, 100/2, open-type transport belts RBC200/3 & 300/3 and closed-type transport belts PC 200/2 & PC 300/2 (2001) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
Public Power Company S.A. _ S.E.S. Ag.Dimitrios (Greece)
- Main Condenser fabrication and installation (1996)
- Tubes replacement of section No 31 & 32 of Main Condenser of unit ΙΙI (2003)
- Tubes replacement of the left section No 11 of Main Condenser of unit I (2003)
- Tube replacement of the section No 12 of Main Condenser of unit I (2001)
- Procurement and fabrication of Skid mounted units (2002) _ Client : RODAX s.a. (Greece)
- Fabrication of heating element water-water, VF02B001, Μον. ΙV (1998)
Public Power Company _ S.E.S. Lavrion (Greece)
- Demi Water Tank Lavrion VCC PP (2005) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
- Prefabrication of ΑLLOY P91, ALLOY P22, A 106 Gr C piping (2005) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
- Erection of piping and valves at Combined Cycle Unit No 5 (2005) _ Client : RODAX s.a. (Greece)
- Lube Oil Circulation Tanks for 102MW Atherinolakkos Power Station (2003) _ Client : BWSC Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (Denmark)
- Supply, fabrication and replacement of heating element for Preheater No 2 Unit I (2001)
- Supply, fabrication and replacement of heating element of Preheater No 1, Unit I (2001) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
Public Power Company _ S.E.S. Atherinolakkos (Greece)
- Material procurement, prefabrication and erection of metal tanks (2 HFO tanks 22500m3 each, 2 demineralized water tanks 1500m3 each, 2 HFO tanks 500m3 each and 1 DFO tank 200m3) (2006) _ Client : Athena s.a. (Greece)
- Design and fabrication of Air Drum 10m3, 20m3, 2,5m3 (2004) _ Client : Athena s.a. (Greece)
- Design and fabrication of fuel vessel DFO Service Tank 11m3 (2004) _ Client : Athena s.a. (Greece)
- Fabrication of Φ2000 pipeline (2003) _ Client : Athena s.a. (Greece)
- Prefabrication of H.F.O., D.F.O. & Desalination water tank shells (2 H.F.O. tanks 22.500m3 each, 1 D.F.O. tank 6.000m3, 1 D.F.O. tank 1.500m3, 2 Desalinated water tank 1.500m3) (2001) _ Client : Athena s.a. (Greece)
Public Power Company S.A. _ S.E.S. Kardia (Greece)
- Partial replacement of tubes to Main Condenser of Unit I & II, SES Kardias (2008)
- Supply-fabrication-replacement of L.P.Preheaters No 1.1 & 2.1, SES Kardias (2002)
Public Power Company s.a. _ S.E.S. Ptolemais (Greece)
- Reconstruction of Low Pressure Preheater Νο 43, Unit IV SES Ptolemais (2012)
- Retubing of High Pressure Water Preheaters No 5, 6A, 7 and Coolers No 5, 6, 7_ Unit III, including dismantling and installation, SES Ptolemais (2009)
- Reconditioning of Main Condenser, SES Ag. Dimitrios (2006)
- Reconstruction of water high pressure preheaters for unit No 1 (2004)
Public Power Company s.a. _ S.E.S. Komotini (Greece)
- Supporting works of maintenance sector during general shutdown of SES Komotini plant (2012)
- Maintenance works during general shutdown (2005)
- Replacement of roof panels (2005)
- Repairing and maintenance of roof fans (2004)
- External insulation of sulphur acid tank (2004)
- Fabrication and installation of a scaffolding on the crane (2004)
- Maintenance works during C-type inspection of Gas Turbines and Steam Turbines (2003)
- Modification work on electromechanical equipment (2004) _Client : ALSTOM s.a.
- Erection of mechanical part of hoist up to the bridge crane of building No 17 (2001) _ Client : ALSTOM s.a.
- Repair of the deaerator (2005) _ Client : Ansaldo Energia Spa (Italy)
- Fabrication of monorail for deaerator (2004) _ Client : Ansaldo Energia Spa (Italy)
- Equipment labeling – Installation of labels (2003) _ Client : Ansaldo Energia Spa (Italy)
- Installation of 2 noise insulation cubicles in generator steam turbine area (2003) _ Client : Ansaldo Energia Spa (Italy)
- Electromechanical works (2002) _ Client : Ansaldo Energia Spa (Italy)
- Prefabrication and installation of 4 water cooling pipeline system (2002) _ Client : Ansaldo Energia Spa (Italy)
- Installation of winches and crane-bridges, on an hourly basis _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
- Replacement of 8 beams into the boilers 1&2 (2002) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
- Nitrogen, Dosing and Sampling piping installation (2001) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
- Fabrication of support structure of closed-type conveyor belts PC-200 & PC-300/2 (2001) _ Client : METKA s.a. (Greece)
Supply of shop fabricated tanks Dier Ali Extension Combined Cycle Power Plant
Damascus, Syria
Prefabrication of large bore BOP piping
Turcas Guney Elektrik Uretim a.s., Denizli, Turkey
Supply of personnel at power production factory
Ploesti, Romania
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Building
AMYLUM Hellas s.a.
Construction of the Combined Heat & Power (CHP) plant of 4,5MWe capacity at Amylum plant, comprising of a 489m2 surface area building housing the generators and control panels, plus the surrounding area.
Electromechanical works included the installation of all the static and rotating equipment (generators, boiler, vessels, pumps, etc) alignment and connection works, piping works, stack installation, degasser installation and connection works, all painting and insulation works, and commissioning and start-up assistance.
Main feed water pipe and sections – Thesavros Hydroelectric power plant, Nestos River